Jesus offended the religious but did not offend sinners.

It’s interesting to see in the Bible that Jesus offended the religious but did not offend sinners.

As we are called to be like Christ, this means that it is not our purpose as Christians to go around calling out sinners, but it is our place to call out the religious when they are not in line with the will of God.

Religious leaders often fall into the same traps that Jesus called out the religious leaders in his time for.

The leaders had become overly ritualistic, abandoning the loving ways that God had called for in favor of the rituals that comforted them. But true religion – the way of Christ that they called us to live.
– is not based on rigid rituals, but on adaptable love.

We are meant to be soldiers for God, but we have to be careful who we fight as soldiers. Those who fight against sinners are not following in the way, Jesus.

The bold soldiers are the ones who fight against bad religion, constantly perfecting God’s church.

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11 thoughts on “Jesus offended the religious but did not offend sinners.

      1. I think you really pointed out a great point that Jesus came to show many things but through compassion. when I look at how we operate now, I think we’ve drifted back in to legalistic territory (which Jesus never examples). If believers are the only ones happy then we’ve drifted away from our call to make disciples of the nations


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